Are You Working Harder Than You Have To?

Caneel Joyce
2 min readMar 7, 2022

How do you hero?

Do you like to solve problems as soon as they come up?

Are you a helper? Do you swoop in to save people from bad things or teach them things they really need to know?

When you are in hero mode you are approaching the problem from below the line and are on the drama triangle . Yes, you are a problem solver, but you are only seeking temporary relief from the problem.

What does temporary relief mean?

When in hero mode you are reacting to pain or suffering either within yourself or outside yourself. You assume you can control the situation so you work to provide immediate relief.

You try to make it go away or make yourself or someone else feel better. Temporarily this may make everyone feel better but it really has not solved the problem.

Sometimes solving the problem means sitting in the suffering and being uncomfortable in order to shift above the line and into creator, challenger or coach mode.

In my podcast episode on the hero role I help you look at hero from the perspective of the drama triangle.

It may not be what you typically think of as a hero. The hero mindset is a form of perpetuating drama and powerlessness in your own life and all around you.

You might be a hero if you seek to help, solve, or fix in order to relieve discomfort or suffering from yourself or others.

Learn how you’re allowed to help solve and fix in a way that is deeply empowering to yourself and others and does not drain your energy.

Originally published at



Caneel Joyce

Transformational executive coach to founders & CEOs of fast-growth companies. Mom, wife, speaker, former professor & startupper., The Allowed Podcast